Use Electron AC from your scripts
Note: If you renamed your anticheat resource, you can still use the name ElectronAC when triggering exports!
These exports can only be invoked by server-sided scripts
Temporarily whitelisting players
source: number
The network Id of the player you wish to (un)whitelist
module: string
An anticheat module, for example: antiTeleport, antiNoclip, antiVehicle
Punishing players
source: number
The network Id of the player you wish to punish
reason: string
An arbitrary string containing a reason to appear in logs and the dashboard
details: string
Arbitrary string containing extra details
overrideWhitelist: boolean
If this value is set to true, even whitelisted players will get effected when triggering this event
These event listeners are only available on the server
source: number
The network Id of the player you wish to punish
reason: string
An arbitrary string containing a reason to appear in logs and the dashboard
details: string
Arbitrary string containing extra details
automatic: boolean
True when a players has been banned autonomously, false when player has been banned by an export, or someone using the panel.
Last updated