Whitelist Players

These instruction will show you how to whitelist any player to prevent them from getting banned

Whitelisting Players

Whitelisting players is essential if you want staff members to use features like noclip, godmode, etc., without facing bans. ElectronAC automatically whitelists users with TxAdmin permissions to avoid false bans. You can modify this behavior through the "Whitelist Tx" option in the settings panel.

How to Whitelist a Player

There are three methods to whitelist a player:

  1. Like previously stated players with txAdmin permissions are autoamtically whitelisted, this is sufficient for most servers.

  2. You ca also choos to add someone as an admin to the ElectronAC web panel, if you include theird Discord ID they will also be whitelisted.

  3. You can also opt to use ace permissions like the following To whitelist a group, you can use ace permissions like this:

add_ace group.mod Bypass allow 

To do the same but for one person you can do something like this:

add_ace identifier.discord:[YOUR IDENTIFIER HERE] Bypass allow 

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